Kate Montressor
Welcome to my personal site. I am a professional pilot, certified flight instructor, technical writer, and published author. I also love ballroom dancing, sailing, and traveling. |
Some of my favorite quotes
- No matter where you go, there you are. - Buckaroo Bonzai
- When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. - Thomas Jefferson
- The time is always right to do what is right. - Martin Luther King
- Sometimes you just have to take the leap, and build your wings on the way down. - Kobi Yamada
- To look at Times New Roman is to gaze into the void. - Matthew Butterick
- Her life was okay. Sometimes she wished she were sleeping with the right man instead of with her dog, but she never felt she was sleeping with the wrong dog. - Judith Collas
Lifetime Accomplishments (in no particular order)
- Taught flying in Nepal, Indonesia, and Maldives
- Touched the stones at Stone Henge
- Writer for Sony Imageworks on Spiderman 2 and The Aviator (we won Oscars!)
- State Park Naturalist -Taught about edible plants and woodland survival
- Climbed 898 steps to the top of the Washington Monument
- Made a movie about aliens from outer space (Alien Homecoming)
- Cook - Logging camp in Northern Minnesota and Southern Ontario
- Mom
- PADI Certified Scuba Diver - Indonesia
- Visited Buddha's birthplace in Lumbini, Nepal
- Hollywood Tour Guide
- ASA certified sailor
- Wrangler - Took tourists on horseback trail rides
- Substitute math teacher
- Vice-Principal of a Jewish Day School
- Wilderness guide
- Engineer at Apple Computer
- Milked a cow
- Featured on front page of the San Francisco Chronicle on September 18, 2000
- Featured in "The Columbian" and "The Oregonian" on October 1, 2000
- Interviewed for OPB radio for "Oregon Considered" broadcast on April 24, 2001
- Professional photographer - Nature and children
- Professional videographer - Special events and personal documentaries
- Airline pilot for a major airline (Boeing 727)
- Flight instructor and flight school owner
- National Parks tour guide
- Played guitar and banjo in a country band
- Web page designer
- Worked for a failing dot com (Egghead.com)
- Real estate agent
- Consultant to NASA
- Pilot recruiter for Garuda, Citilink, and Lion Air
- Attended Robert Kennedy's funeral
- Bicycled northern Minnesota - averaging 100 miles per day
- Entrepreneur
- Bookkeeper
- Business consultant
- Sunday school teacher
- Music teacher
- Played on tennis league in college
- Belly dancer
- Brownie leader
- Raised parakeets
- Hiked Yosemite
- Panned for gold in California
- Floated down the Grand Canyon and hiked out
- Went to college (majored in political science)
- Flying
- Photography
- Videography
- Writing
- Stamp Collecting
- Play guitar, banjo, flute, keyboard, and sing
- Traveling with my son Austin
- Crossword puzzles
- Reading
- Ballroom Dancing
- Genealogy
- Bicycling
- Hiking
- Ice Skating
- Snow skiing (downhill and cross-country)
- Watching old movies
- Jigsaw puzzles
- Russian
- Theme Parks
- Camping